How To Request For Fees Refund From KNUST

For most students, the payment of fees poses a serious challenge like all other impediments that come our way whenever a new academic year comes around. A few who are lucky to secure scholarships post-payment of academic fees have the opportunity to get a refund of the surplus amount already paid.

How to apply for a fees refund from KNUST

The following are the steps to take in order to secure a refund of the surplus fees paid

  • Write a refund letter: The letter should be addressed to The Finance Officer. .
  • Send the letter to the Finance Office at the Main Administration block.
  • The letter should include the preferred bank account you would want the refund to be deposited. The processing of the refund is not subject to a fixed timeframe. The processing varies per the number of refund letters that need to be processed in bulk.

Important details to note on the refund request letter

  • Write your name in full name
  • Indicate your index number
  • Program of study
  • Indicate the requested amount.
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